Flavors and Types of B-Splines

There are various flavors and types of B-splines. This page tries to give an overview of them. More details can be looked up in the referenced literature.

Cardinal B-Splines

Cardinal B-splines can be defined in various equivalent ways, possibly the shortest and most beautiful way being $$b^p := \underbrace{\mathbf{1}_{[0,1)} \ast \cdots \ast \mathbf{1}_{[0,1)}}_{\text{$(p+1)$ times}}$$ with the degree \(p \in \mathbb{N}_0\), the convolution operator \(\ast\), and the indicator function \(b^0 = \mathbf{1}_{[0,1)}\) of the half-open unit interval \([0,1)\).

However, there are numerous other ways to characterize the B-spline \(b^p\), at least for the most common cubic case \(p = 3\) [Quak 2016].

Cardinal B-splines.
Cardinal B-splines.

The figure shows that \(p\) controls the smoothness of \(b^p\) (in fact, \(b^p \in \mathcal{C}^{p-1}(\mathbb{R})\)), but also the size of its support. With the Central Limit Theorem, it can be shown that for \(p \to \infty\), the centralized B-spline \(b^p(\cdot \,- \frac{p+1}{2})\) converges in distribution to the density function of the standard normal distribution (Gaussian bell curve), which is infinitely smooth and globally supported.

The B-spline \(b^p\) is a polynomial of degree \(p\) on the knot intervals \([k, k+1)\), \(k = 0, \dotsc, p\), and vanishes elsewhere. The places \(k = 0, \dotsc, p + 1\) where \(b^p\) is only \((p – 1)\) times continuously differentiable are called knots.

The name “cardinal” is used differently in the literature; here, we refer to B-splines whose knots are a subset of \(\mathbb{Z}\).

Uniform B-Splines

Uniform B-splines arise from cardinal B-splines by shifting and scaling the knots linearly: $$b_{k,h}^p := b^p\!\left(\frac{\cdot}{h} – k\right).$$

By linearly combining multiple B-splines \(b_{k,h}^p\), \(k = \underline{k}, \dotsc, \overline{k}\) (\(\underline{k} \le \overline{k} – p + 1\)), one obtains arbitrary splines (piecewise polynomials). In fact, these B-splines form a basis of the spline space with degree \(p\) and knots \(\{kh \mid k = \underline{k} + p, \dotsc, \overline{k} + 1\}\). This is the subspace of \(\mathcal{C}^{p-1}([\underline{k} + p, \overline{k} + 1])\) that contains the functions \(s\) which are, with respect to this knot set, piecewise polynomials of degree \(\le p\).

This also answers the question to what the “B” in “B-splines” is for: basis.

Uniform cubic B-splines forming a cubic spline.
Uniform cubic B-splines forming a cubic spline.

The figure illustrates the cubic case \(p = 3\). In the figure, we use already the notation \(\xi_k := kh\) to prepare for the non-uniform case (see next section, set \(\underline{k} := 0\) and \(\overline{k} := m – 1\) to establish consistency).

Non-Uniform B-Splines

The definition of B-splines can be generalized to arbitrary knot vectors \(\vec{\xi} = (\xi_0, \dotsc, \xi_{m+p})\) where \(m \ge p\), \(\xi_k \le \xi_{k+1}\) for all \(k = 0, \dotsc, m+p-1\), and the multiplicity \(\nu_k\) of every knot \(\xi_k\) should be \(\le p\).

This results in non-uniform B-splines defined via the Cox–de Boor recurrence relation $$b_{k,\vec{\xi}}^p := \gamma_{k,\vec{\xi}}^p b_{k,\vec{\xi}}^{p-1} + (1-\gamma_{k+1,\vec{\xi}}^p) b_{k+1,\vec{\xi}}^{p-1},\\\gamma_{k,\vec{\xi}}^p := \frac{\cdot \,- \xi_k}{\xi_{k+p} – \xi_k},$$ starting from the indicator functions \(b_{k,\vec{\xi}}^0 := \mathbf{1}_{[\xi_k, \xi_{k+1})}\) and discarding terms for which the denominators vanish [Cox 1972, de Boor 1972].

Cox–de Boor recursion formula for creating a quadratic B-spline. The dashed lines show the combination coefficients.
Cox–de Boor recursion formula for creating a quadratic B-spline. The dashed lines show the combination coefficients.

The B-splines \(b_{k,\vec{\xi}}^p\), \(k = 0, \dotsc, m\), form a basis of the spline space with degree \(p\) and knots \(\vec{\xi}\). This is the space of all functions on \([\xi_p, \dotsc, \xi_m]\) which are polynomials of degree \(\le p\) on all knot intervals \([\xi_k, \xi_{k+1})\), \(k = p, \dotsc, m – 1\), and \((p – \nu_k)\) times continuously differentiable at all knots \(k = p + 1, \dotsc, m – 1\).

Tensor Product B-Splines

All of the previous definitions treated only the univariate case. A straightforward generalization to multiple variables is using cartesian and tensor products. For example, 1D non-uniform B-splines can be generalized to tensor product B-splines via $$b_{\vec{k},\Xi}^{\vec{p}}(\vec{x}) := \prod_{t=1}^d b_{k_t,\vec{\xi_t}}^{p_t}(x_t),$$ where \(\Xi = (\vec{\xi_1}, \dotsc, \vec{\xi_d})\) contains the 1D knot vectors \(\vec{\xi_t} = (\xi_{t,0}, \dotsc, \xi_{t,m_t+p_t})\).

Two-dimensional cubic tensor product B-spline.
Two-dimensional cubic tensor product B-spline.

Hierarchical B-Splines with Knot Trees

Adaptive refinement can be easily done with B-splines by just adding knots in regions where higher accuracy is desired. However, directly using tensor product B-splines leads to problems as their construction implies that modifying the knot vectors has global effect.

One approach is arranging the knot vectors in a tree-like structure. When refining in a region, the relevant B-splines (i.e., the B-splines that do not vanish in that region) are replaced by B-splines on a knot vector with a finer resolution. Correspondingly, this knot vector is inserted into the tree as a new leaf [Höllig 2013].

Left: Hierarchical refinement of linear 1D B-splines. The dashed B-splines are replaced by the finer B-splines below them. Right: Nested refinement grids in 2D.
Left: Hierarchical refinement of linear 1D B-splines. The dashed B-splines are replaced by the finer B-splines below them. Right: Nested refinement grids in 2D.

Hierarchical B-Splines on Sparse Grids

Another approach to construct a hierarchical B-spline basis are sparse grids. Here, uniform B-splines are arranged in a binary tree by halving the scaling parameter \(h = 2^{-\ell}\) in every level \(\ell \in \mathbb{N}_0\).

Left: Hierarchical cubic B-spline basis. Right: Regular sparse grid of level 5 in 2D.
Left: Hierarchical cubic B-spline basis. Right: Regular sparse grid of level 5 in 2D.

Like knot tree approach, it can be shown that the resulting basis functions form the basis of a spline space, depending on the boundary conditions chosen [Valentin 2016].

The method can be generalized to non-uniform sparse grids, for example using Clenshaw-Curtis (Chebychev) points, to increase accuracy near the boundary of the domain.


The obvious limitation of tensor product approaches is that the domain is rectangular. For example, the goal might be to solve a partial differential equation (PDE) on some domain \(\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d\) with Dirichlet zero boundary conditions.

In this case, one can work around this issue by multiplying all B-splines with a weight function \(w\) which should be positive in the domain, negative outside of the domain, and vanish on its boundary \(\partial \Omega\).

However, the resulting weighted B-splines have stability issues as there are B-splines whose supports have a very small intersection with \(\Omega\). As a solution, these outer B-splines can be adjoined to inner B-splines, creating weighted extended B-splines (WEB-splines) in the process, a much more stable basis [Höllig 2003, www.web-spline.de].

Left: Weight function for a B-shaped domain. Right: Classification of cubic B-splines in inner and outer B-splines.
Left: Weight function for a B-shaped domain. Right: Classification of cubic B-splines in inner and outer B-splines.

The figure shows the classification of cubic B-splines on a uniform grid in inner (blue) and outer (red) B-splines. Each B-spline is associated with a dot in the lower left corner of its support. The support of an inner B-spline has to contain at least one cell that is a subset of the domain \(\Omega\).

B-Spline Curves, Surfaces, and Solids

All of the previous definitions resulted in only scalar-valued splines whose curves are described by functions \(s\colon \mathbb{R}^d \supset D \to \mathbb{R}\), \(\vec{x} \to s(\vec{x})\).

A very important application for B-splines is geometric modeling. Spline curves of degree \(p\) in \(d\) dimensions are linear combinations with vector-valued coefficients, parametrized by a single parameter \(t\): $$\vec{s} \colon \mathbb{R} \supset D \to \mathbb{R}^d,\\t \mapsto (s_1(t), \dotsc, s_d(t)) = \sum_{k=0}^{m-1} \vec{c_k} b_{k,\xi}^p(t).$$ In this context, the points \(\vec{c_k} \in \mathbb{R}^d\) are called control points.

Quadratic B-spline curve in two dimensions with control polygon and knot vector.
Quadratic B-spline curve in two dimensions with control polygon and knot vector.

The figure illustrates a B-spline curve for \(d = 2\) and \(p = 2\). The control points (red) and the knot vector (bottom) are calculated such that the curve interpolates the given interpolation points (blue). By repeating the first and the last knot \((p+1)\) times respectively, the first and last control point coincides with the respective interpolation points.

Analogously, spline surfaces are defined by using two parameters \(t_1, t_2\) and bivariate splines, i.e.,

$$\vec{s} \colon \mathbb{R^2} \supset D \to \mathbb{R}^d,\\\vec{t} \mapsto (s_1(\vec{t}), \dotsc, s_d(\vec{t})) = \sum_{k_1=0}^{m_1-1} \sum_{k_2=0}^{m_2-1} \vec{c_k} b_{\vec{k},\Xi}^{\vec{p}}(\vec{t}).$$

Of course, the approach can be generalized to an arbitrary number of parameters, for example trivariate spline solids [Höllig 2003].


As piecewise polynomials, spline curves are not able to reproduce circles exactly. This would limit their use in geometric modeling. As a solution, one can multiply the control points \(\vec{c_k}\) of the spline curve \(\vec{s}(\cdot)\) with weights \(w_k\) and divide the curve by the spline function with coefficients \(w_k\), i.e.,

$$\vec{r}(t) = (r_1(t), \dotsc, r_d(t)) = \frac{\sum_{k=0}^{m-1} w_k \vec{c_k} b_{k,\xi}^p(t)}{\sum_{k=0}^{m-1} w_k b_{k,\xi}^p(t)}.$$

The resulting functions are well-known as non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) curves and surfaces [Höllig 2003].

Quadratic NURBS exactly representing the quarter circle, in contrast to a non-rational quadratic B-spline curve.
Quadratic NURBS exactly representing the quarter circle, in contrast to a non-rational quadratic B-spline curve.

The figure shows the exact representation of the quarter circle by a quadratic NURBS (blue) in Bézier form (i.e., \(0 = \xi_0 = \dotsb = \xi_p\), \(\xi_m = \dotsb = \xi_{m+p} = 1\), \(m = p+1\)) with weights \(w_0 = \sqrt{2} w_1 = w_2\). Not dividing by the spline in the denominator and using the same control points (or any other set of control points) yields a non-rational quadratic B-spline curve (red) which deviates from the quarter circle.

By joining multiple NURBS patches together, one has great design flexibility. Consequently, NURBS are nowadays common in modeling and simulation.